Planned Giving
Unlike tuition and gifts to the Columbia Grammar & Preparatory Fund that support the School’s annual operating expenses, planned gifts generate a reliable source of income that helps ensure the long term financial security of CGPS.
Donors may consider giving through such means as life insurance, bequests or charitable trusts. Gift planning can be a way to reduce or avoid estate and inheritance taxes. We encourage you to speak with your financial planner when considering any type of planned gift.
The School is pleased to provide you, your attorney, accountant or tax advisor with additional information and assistance. Pease note that this information is general in nature. Please contact your professional tax advisor to learn how this general information relates to your individual circumstances. We are most grateful for your philanthropic support.
For additional information or questions about making a gift to the CGPF, please contact:
Evgeniya Kirpicheva
Associate Director of Institutional Advancement
212.749.6200 x220 or through our contact form here.
CGPS's fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30. All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.