Theater & Dance

The Theater & Dance Department believes that knowledge is best acquired through the personal transformation of shared experiences. The department offers project-based learning to expand the student’s mind, body and heart.

Using a combination of theoretical investigation and practical application, students of all levels explore acting, dancing, directing, singing, writing, design and stagecraft. Through extensive collaboration, students build working relationships with their peers and faculty. In classes and in performance, students are encouraged to take risks and overcome the fear of failure. Students develop self-confidence and resilience, in part by giving and receiving regular feedback. Students are challenged to reach a level of mastery by practicing, presenting, producing and performing.

Theater & Dance Gallery

Course Offerings

department of Theater & Dance goals
  • Develop effective communication skills through collaborative problem-solving
  • Value the process of creating as much as the achievement of success
  • Build a strong community, a safe place for personal growth and creative risks
  • Promote convergent and divergent thinking