
The Prep School’s English Department seeks to graduate students who value literature and ideas, think critically about what they read and express themselves with clarity and style.

At each level, students read works that explore diverse perspectives and help them understand the complexities of their world. Over time, students hone their awareness of language and tone and learn to appreciate the power of the written word. In addition to close reading, students often creatively emulate authors and prose techniques — a rich exercise that develops a nuanced feel for narrative, poetic and rhetorical style.

In teaching writing, the department values depth and voice over pat formulas, whether students are analyzing literature, developing arguments or describing their own experiences. Teachers often begin with short, low-stakes exercises that allow experimentation with ideas and sentences and then guide this early thinking from brainstorming to rough drafts to polished work. Students learn to shape and deepen their thinking and to understand their own patterns of error.

As students progress through our four-year program, the department increasingly promotes intellectual independence, encouraging students to develop their own approaches to assignments and even select their own courses and texts.

Course Offerings