
Enter a kindergarten classroom at CGPS and you’ll notice how many different learning activities are happening concurrently.

Through joyful engagement, our kindergarten students develop lifelong capacities for creative thinking, self-confidence, awareness of others and enthusiasm for academic learning.

A love for reading and numeracy is cultivated in kindergarten. Students also emerge as writers as they hone their storytelling skills. Students learn through choice, exploration and collaboration. Through differentiated instruction, the academic and social-emotional programs in kindergarten are tailored so that all students can learn. Small group and individual experiences allow for specialized attention. Extending their understanding of community to include our school, kindergarten students learn about the different roles people play in their immediate surroundings.

Beyond the classroom, our kindergarten learners experience different specialized classes in physical education, music, art, Spanish, chess, swim, movement, and library. Kindergartners at CGPS explore the school community and the neighborhood by venturing on many field trips throughout the year. Students visit museums, zoos, farms, markets and more all year round. Kindergarten students explore STEM and design during the kindergarten engineering unit. The students work collaboratively to identify a problem or need, and as they move through the engineering cycle (ask, imagine, plan, create and improve) they learn about teamwork and perseverance.

Each child is unique and we believe that it is our responsibility at CGPS to meet the individual physical, social, intellectual and emotional needs of each child. Students in our kindergarten program experience a tremendous period of intense growth with a low student-to-teacher ratio in each classroom.

A love for reading and numeracy is cultivated in kindergarten. Students also emerge as writers as they hone their storytelling skills. Students learn through choice, exploration and collaboration. Through differentiated instruction, the academic and social emotional programs in kindergarten are tailored so that all students can learn. Small group and individual experiences allow for specialized attention. Extending their understanding of community to include our school, kindergarten students learn about the different roles people play in their immediate surroundings. Beyond the classroom, our kindergarten learners experience different specialized classes in physical education, music, art, Spanish, chess, swim, yoga and mindfulness, library and dance.

Kindergartners at CGPS explore the school community and the neighborhood by venturing on many field trips throughout the year. Students visit museums, zoos, farms, markets and more all year round. Kindergarten students explore the engineering process during the kindergarten fairytale unit. The students work collaboratively to build a house to protect their pigs from the big bad wolf and learn about teamwork and perseverance. Through the fairytale unit, the students learn about elements of a fairytale, compare and contrast many fairytales and create their own. Each child is unique and we believe that it is our responsibility at CGPS to meet the individual physical, social, intellectual and emotional needs of each child. Students in our kindergarten program experience a tremendous period of intense growth with a low student-to-teacher ratio in each classroom.

Kindergarten Curriculum